"Selected Recent Advances in the Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds Using Olefin Metathesis as a Key Step"

Benjamin Dassonneville, Lionel Delaude, Albert Demonceau, Ileana Dragutan, Valerian Dragutan, Koffi Sénam Etsè, and Morgan Hans

journal cover
          source: Current Organic Chemistry
            year: 2013
          volume: 17
      first page: 2609
       last page: 2653
             doi: 10.2174/1385272811317220006

Abstract: Synthesis of biologically active compounds is of paramount importance to the biomedical sciences for the development of novel therapeutic agents. Such substances often feature various types of unique and complex structures, which make them challenging targets for synthetic efforts. Their total synthesis offers the chance to implement the use of newly developed, efficient and highly selective synthetic procedures and/or strategies in a complex environment. In this respect, thanks to the development of increasingly efficient molybdenum and ruthenium catalysts, olefin metathesis is now an integral part of modern synthetic methods. This review article will highlight with selected examples from the recent literature assets and limitations of the olefin metathesis reaction in the synthesis of biologically active compounds.

Keywords: Cross-Metathesis, Natural Products, Olefin Metathesis, Relay Ring-Closing Metathesis, Ring-Closing Metathesis, Ruthenium Catalysts, Tandem Olefin Metathesis, Temporary Tethered Olefin Metathesis

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